Class Questions

Do you have a question about one of our traditional martial arts programs?

Traditional Martial Arts Training

Check out our Karate & Jujutsu pages.
If they don’t answer your question, ask!
We love to talk about what we do!

Self Defense Questions

We understand Self Defense can be a tough topic to talk about..

Self Defense

With all the misconceptions and lack of information out there, this is a topic worth discussing. Give us a call at 223-2870.

We're Here to Answer Questions!

We don't want you to assume...
We want you to know!

Seriously, please ask!

There’s a big misconception about what traditional martial arts training really is…
So if you have a question, please ask.
Kime Karate in Fairport

We’d love To Meet You In Person Or Via The Web!

We are a local school that cares about our students and the community. You can use this form to ask us about our karate and Jujutsu programs. Find out more information about learning self defense or just say hello.
We would love to hear from you!

1000 Turk Hill Road, Suite 165. Fairport, NY 14450
Phone: 1.585.223.2870

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    Fairport Martial Arts

    We’re a martial arts school that gets big results!

    Through Consistent Training; Professional, knowledgeable Instructors & Progressive Martial Arts Systems