About Aric Keyes

International instructor with 30 years of martial arts experience. 5th Degree Black Belt ranked under Hanshi Patrick McCarthy. Lead instructor and owner of Kime Karate in Fairport. Army Veteran. RIT Graduate. Husband & Father.

IRKRS Honor Roll


The International Ryukyu Karate Research Society is an organization with members all over the world representing every style of martial arts. Out of this immense and diverse group of martial artists, our very own Sensei Sam Griffin was recognized as the Top Student of the Year or Mudansha of the Year! [...]

IRKRS Honor Roll2020-02-22T03:06:01+00:00

Why Join the IRKRS?


The International Ryukyu Karate Research Society is an incredible group of martial artists lead by Hanshi Patrick McCarthy, 9th dan.  The IRKRS is perfect for anyone looking to add more meaning to their practice through a better historical understanding of karate culture and history. The IRKRS offers an incredibly deep insight into the cultural heritage and [...]

Why Join the IRKRS?2019-02-12T17:58:14+00:00

Black Belt Promotions – April 2018


These six karatekas were promoted to black belt on April, 28th 2018 at Kime Karate in Fairport, NY by Sensei Aric Keyes after an almost three-month testing cycle. Earning a Black Belt is no easy feat, nor should it be! It takes years of dedicated practice and effort [...]

Black Belt Promotions – April 20182018-05-01T21:01:26+00:00

Best Martial Arts Teachers in Rochester!


Kime Karate in Fairport NY voted among best martial arts instructors in Rochester, NY by Expertise.com. The top 15 instructors and schools were chosen based on reputation, credibility, experience, availability and professionalism. Chosen from 60 schools in the Greater Rochester area, Sensei Keyes and Kime Karate are proud to be recognized as one of the [...]

Best Martial Arts Teachers in Rochester!2017-03-01T14:31:46+00:00

The Three Mindsets of Kata


There are three general mindsets with regards to kata:   #1. The "Traditionalist's" perspective: Kata must NEVER be changed!   #2. The JKD/MMA mentality:  A classical mess/worthless practice [i.e. dysfunctional]   #3. The "Revisionist's" position: A contemporary reinterpretation of classic tradition   Karate is the Japanese art of protecting oneself with little more than [...]

The Three Mindsets of Kata2017-03-01T12:21:31+00:00

The Science of Striking


RIT & Kime Karate team up for powerful images! It was an honor to be part of this photo shoot at the Rochester Institute of Technology to capture a never before seen look at the force generated by striking a surface made to human soft tissue. To capture the force waves, professor @TedKinsman thought up and designed a [...]

The Science of Striking2017-03-01T12:21:32+00:00

Jujutsu is not about being bigger or stronger


This is Katie, she's awesome. She's been training in our AKJJ - jujutsu classes now for several months and she's getting good at it. She also has cerebral palsy and two steel rods in her back. For all the guys that have told me that class is too hard and that they feel they need [...]

Jujutsu is not about being bigger or stronger2017-03-01T12:21:33+00:00

Seminar in New Paltz


Sensei Keyes was invited to teach a series of seminars at Fighting Spirit Karate Studio in New Paltz, NY.  He taught three separate seminars, two on striking, take downs and ground control and a kobudo seminar introducing the school to the Yamane Ryu kobudo system under Hanshi Patrick McCarthy. Adult Seminar [...]

Seminar in New Paltz2017-03-01T12:21:33+00:00

Aiki Kenpo Jujutsu Seminar


From back to front: Mike Joseph, Hanna James, Brian Moore, Robert Del Ross, Nick McGrath, Henry Larson, Mike Nolan, Tyler Nolan, Thomas Crossan, Erik Angerhofer, Paul Lopresti, Aric Keyes, Cory Barriault, AKJJ - Aiki Kenpo Jujustu It's great training here at Kime Karate with internationally recognized instructors like [...]

Aiki Kenpo Jujutsu Seminar2017-03-01T12:21:33+00:00

Traditional Martial Arts Practice

We practice traditional martial arts that are based on practical, age appropriate self defense skills that are functional and effective.

Join us for a class!

If you are at all interested in finding a class for you or a child, you have got to try a class! You can request a free class by clicking on one of the links below or by calling us at 223-2870.
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