About Aric Keyes

International instructor with 30 years of martial arts experience. 5th Degree Black Belt ranked under Hanshi Patrick McCarthy. Lead instructor and owner of Kime Karate in Fairport. Army Veteran. RIT Graduate. Husband & Father.

School Success Tips


We believe that doing well and achieving good grades in school is important.  To help parents ensure the success of their children we have put together a list of School Success Tips!   These are great tips for improving attitudes, focus, and grades!  Simple things that can have a dramatic effect on your child. Improve [...]

School Success Tips2017-03-01T12:21:34+00:00

Martial Arts & Yoga – The Perfect Compliment


Several years ago, specifically during training, I noticed that I was having terrible spasms throughout my upper and lower back.  Knowing I had a family history of Rheumatoid arthritis and specifically Ankylosing spondylitis, I made arrangements to see my family doctor.  This disease is thought to be auto-immune, so I could only hope there [...]

Martial Arts & Yoga – The Perfect Compliment2017-03-01T12:21:35+00:00

How to pick a martial arts school


I have heard from so many parents as well as adult students that training at my school has helped with focus, concentration, learning and job performance. Improved health, fitness and weight loss. I know it works and have personally seen dramatic changes in many students over the last couple decades of teaching martial arts. Personally, [...]

How to pick a martial arts school2017-03-01T12:21:35+00:00

Fairport Students Learn Self Defense Skills


For the last few weeks the girls of the Martha Brown middle school in Fairport have been learning about and training their self defense skills. The physical education unit is part of the curriculum for the school and taught annually. The girls two week long unit just finished and the boys went through the unit [...]

Fairport Students Learn Self Defense Skills2015-06-23T17:43:48+00:00

Fitness is about improvement


Set personal goals for yourself and work to surpass them. Fitness is not a competition with others, it is a competition with yourself to become better than you were yesterday. Surround yourself with people on the same journey as you and with the same goals. Let them inspire you, motivate you and help you along [...]

Fitness is about improvement2017-03-01T12:21:35+00:00

Small Changes Can Make A Big Difference


We often think that it will take a huge change to effect our lives, but this is not necessarily true. It is true that big changes can have big effects, but sometimes that big change you are looking to make can seem insurmountable.. I am constantly making small changes to make what I already do [...]

Small Changes Can Make A Big Difference2017-03-01T12:21:36+00:00

Martial Arts Training Improves Academic Performance


There is a distinct connection between exercise, learning martial arts and academic performance that is backed by scientific research. And if you know the way I teach martial arts, I don't do anything without a good reason. There are specific drills that I do in classes that are martial arts specific and are designed to directly effect and enhance this [...]

Martial Arts Training Improves Academic Performance2017-03-01T12:21:36+00:00

Teaching Self Control


Everyone struggles with self control from time to time whether it is an extra dessert, impulse buys or reacting out of anger, a lack of self control can have a lasting negative impact upon our lives. With all these issues, it is no ones fault other than our own that we eat too much, spend [...]

Teaching Self Control2017-03-01T12:21:37+00:00

AKJJ Seminar with Paul Lopresti


We had a great training seminar with Paul Lopresti! Renshi Lopresti is an incredibly talented and knowledgeable instructor with over 40 years of martial arts experience. If you don't already know what Aiki Kempo Jujutsu is.. it is the use of throws, take downs, ground control and joint locks (among other things) to control an [...]

AKJJ Seminar with Paul Lopresti2015-03-20T16:12:17+00:00

Traditional Martial Arts Practice

We practice traditional martial arts that are based on practical, age appropriate self defense skills that are functional and effective.

Join us for a class!

If you are at all interested in finding a class for you or a child, you have got to try a class! You can request a free class by clicking on one of the links below or by calling us at 223-2870.
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